Seasonal Feature

San Gabriel Sidra EF Washed




PRODUCER Linarco Rodriguez – San Gabriel Farm

VARIETY Sidra Bourbon

REGION Palestina, El Silencio

TASTE raspberry peach compote, rosehip



roast degree icon


small espresso icon ESPRESSO

small chemex coffee brewing icon CHEMEX



The Cup

This is definitely a coffee for the adventurous coffee drinker! Depending on the brewing method this coffee can transform into a light, bright peachy hibiscus cup or a full, rich cup bursting with raspberry, peach and notes of rosehip. This coffee performed well all around for most brewing methods. For those interested in a fruity bright espresso we definitely recommend you give this a try!

San Gabriel Farm (San Rafael)

The San Rafael farm is a third-generation heritage lot where coffee has been grown for about 50 years. About ten years ago, they changed to planting varieties other than the common ones in the region to participate in the Cup of Excellence. For about seven years, they have been active participants in the Cup of Excellence competitions,
where they reached second place in 2021.

Producer Don Linarco

Don Linarco has worked with coffee since his childhood, doing farm work, but it was in 2014, when he inherited the land from his parents, that he began to work as a coffee farmer; from that moment on, he was motivated to work with unique coffees with different companies, learning how to cupping and learning empirically about processes. Today, it produces coffee using various methods and has other farms managing and processing it.

Brewing Recipes


30g of medium ground coffee (#5 on the Baratza Vario)

500ml of 195F water

Pour around 120ml of water at a time pausing shortly to filter through until the full 500ml within a 1 minute time span.